Monday, April 5, 2010

The number before me

The number before me
I rub my eyes, then again
My day is ruined
Self esteem crashing around me, suffocated by the number
Nothing feels right or fits right
The number is stuck in my own minds purgatory
Try to forget
All things off limits
Everything looks much more enticing than before
More tea
Head is spinning remembering what has brought this number into my life

Tuesday :)
It must have been the damn bloody marys


  1. Sista - welcome to the world of words. You have left such nice comments for all of us and it is so good to see you put your words to your thoughts. Here is what I think about your poem. I think it is just like you. You have these serious and real feelings, but when it gets right down to it, you throw them away, e.g., the bloody mary line (which is very good by the way, cuz' you know I love bloody mary's). I am sure that you know what you wrote makes a lot of sense to me. I understand it all too well. I love it that you wrote this and made me think about something that, unfortunately, can make the world seem like it's crashing when nothing has really changed.

  2. You've really captured a stressful situation here. Good capture of emotion, I feel a scream welling up inside, and then...
    ... Ah screw it!
    Thanks, loved it.

  3. Me gusta ;)
    I think everyone can relate to this situation. It's frustrating to look down and be so dissapointed by a single meaningless number. Society has really screwed up the true meaning of beautiful!

  4. It is very sad that we have to feel this way, but I know it a feeling that many women relate to. When I initially read the poem I thought it was about waking up in the morning, seeing the clock, and having to get out bed when you don't want to. It fits perfectly for how I feel when I want to just spend my day doing fun things and I have to go to work.
