Thursday, April 8, 2010

An April Photograph

Light and dark share the ambiance
crisp and cool raise the bumps
clean and fresh create fragrances
open and blossom color the spectrum

Brick and bar keep their guard
siren and somber sound in waves
labor and toil slump the postures
weed and decay fissure structure

Spring in St. Louis
revolution in reaction


  1. Bobby D - You totally surprised me with this one. I had no idea where you were going with this (not that I didn't love the poetic ride, but I wasn't sure where I was going to end up), then you pull out a great line: revolution in reaction. That just rocks. I also really like how the first two stanzas are so different textually and how they make you feel - it's that French Structuralism - light and dark, raw and cooked, etc.

  2. Badass my friend, you've really captured your town. Like Kerouac in San Francisco. Awsome.
