Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A long drive to
Old homes in the Avenues
Chain link fence surrounds a small yard
Step up on the porch to see the brass knocker
L a u r e n c e  K a r l  L a r s e n
Old photographs
Two leather loungers, his was on the left
He sat in that
Curio cabinet
Bottom drawer filled with high heel shoes, just our size
She let us wear them
Kitchen table, drinking black coffee
Did you know if you don’t eat the crust your eyelashes won’t be curly?
Lace curtains in a tiny room
Checked shirts
Black horn rimmed glasses
A camper
He loved to fish and hunt
Always hugs, I sat on his knee
This is how I see it in my mind's eye
This is what I remember
This is all I have left of a grandfather I loved,
but was too young to truly know
Oh, and one more thing
He loved me

I wish you could have known him
He would have loved you too


  1. Makes me miss my grandpa. Thank you for this beautiful memory.

  2. This is awesome, especially the last two lines! They hit right at home for everyone. Im sure Grandma would love to here this piece

  3. This is so true and this is why our mom is full of love and kindness

  4. Beautiful! It is so nice that the details are what makes this special. Lace curtains, checkered shirts. It's like their presence and love is everywhere in the house.
