Thursday, April 29, 2010

For My Love

She came to me when I needed her most
and made an ocean out of desert
She stood by me day and night
growing green throughout bare branches

She stayed with me when my other friends
Swill and Brew left me intolerable
She mended and bandaged my wild youth
when fight and anger kept me hostile

She led the way, light in hand
out of my gray minded moor
She stayed by my bed with assuring eyes
when my body had said "no more"

She continues to lead with care and warmth
giving safe passage through any hardship
She's my love, and neither trial nor time
can break our bond or bliss

For my love


  1. I like this and I believe I can use it in October. Speaking of which we need to work on that.

  2. This is quite simply beautiful. Beautifully written, beautifully expressed, and about someone very beautiful, inside and out. So nicely put, B Digital. She was an oasis in the Sahara dessert offering water to a parched soul. She offered safe shelter from the storm, and when the storm waned she was there with you to witness the rainbow. I say you have a good start on your vows.
